Command: localcfg
LOCALCFG creates a custom COUNTRY.SYS-like file matching your
localcfg myprefs.sys [options]
Options allow to configure country locales to your likening, as
/country:XX Indicates your country code is XX (1 for USA, 33 for
France, etc)
/cp:XXX Adapts country data for codepage XXX (example: '437')
/decim:X Reconfigures the decimal symbol to be 'X'
/thous:X Reconfigures the thousands symbol to be 'X'
/datesep:X Sets the date separator to 'X' (for example '/')
/datefmt:X Sets the date format, can be: MDY, DMY or YMD
/timesep:X Sets the time separator to 'X" (for example ':')
/timefmt:X Sets the time format: 0=12h with AM/PM or 1=24h
/curr:XXX Sets the currency to XXX (a string of 1 to 4 characters)
/currpos:X Sets the currency symbol position X, where X is either
0=currency precedes the value, 1=currency follows the
value and 2=currency replaces the decimal sign
/currspc:X Space between the currency and the value (0=no, 1=yes)
/currprec:X Currency's precision (number of decimal digits, 0..9)
/yesno:XY Sets the 'Yes/No' letter to XY (default: YN)
If COUNTRY.SYS location is not provided, then localcfg tries loading
Localcfg is a 16 bit tool designed for DOS. It provides an easy way of
configurating system locales by generating a custom COUNTRY.SYS file
that reflects the exact preferences of the user. Localcfg supports NLS.
Settings for Germany:
localcfg /country:49 /cp:858 /decim:, /thous:. /datesep:. /datefmt:DMY
/timesep:: /timefmt:1 /curr:EUR /currpos:1 /currspc:1
/currprec:2 /yesno:JN
See also:
Copyright © 2015-2023 Mateusz Viste, help version 2023 W. Spiegl.
This file is derived from the FreeDOS Spec Command HOWTO.
See the file H2Cpying for copying conditions.